“We create our best work when the story is inspired by the viewer. We want to know before we record anything who they are and how our story will fit into their lives. This is the difference in creating video and creating impact.”

The single most important part of the process is also the hardest to master. Lots of people can shoot a pretty video, fewer can produce a video that gets results, and even fewer can produce a video that gets the right results. Effective production begins with a discussion about your needs, your audience, and how we can create a message that does more than entertain them – it has real meaning in their lives and creates motivation. This can be a surprising and enlightening process that can uncover perspectives on your organization that you have never seen. In the end, our preproduction package, that contains our insights into the story of your business, is yours to keep.

Story Capture
We create a lot of productions which means our camera people spend a lot of time with cameras in their hands perfecting their shots. Like an athlete constantly working on their skills, constant refinement and improvement is not just a concept to us, it is what keeps us motivated to work hard everyday. We are driven to produce work that we are proud of and that bar is always being raised. Investing in great equipment and using it almost everyday maximizes efficiency and familiarity with the tools, so we can free to be creative. More important than knowing how to operate the equipment is the ability to make everyone around you feel comfortable, to not interfere with their natural expression, to watch and listen for opportunities, and understand how light, sound, and personality will come together to create a meaningful story. Having the best storytelling tools and using them everyday translates into quality and efficiency that will help us get the most out of our time and in the end will allow us to tell the most powerful story.
We combine the art of persuasion and the structure of story with the power of video to communicate your authentic message.