The Friends of the Ecusta Trail approached us to create a video to help garner support and address many of the concerns about level of economic impact, safety, and closing off the opportunity for possibly rejuvenating the rail line for industrial use. We jumped at the opportunity to work on a project that we are in such support of and to be part of helping our community grow.
Our goal was to create a persuasive story, a compelling video and use real people with real stories to drive the points home. We learned a lot about the differences of the people that make up our community and about Rails-to-Trails projects in general. This was a great project to work on and we are proud to have been part of it.
Enjoy the video and if you would like to support the Ecusta Trail, visit their site here.
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If you would like to learn more about a video for your organization, we’d love to sit down and talk with you.