The United Way of Transylvania County is a non-profit organization that has set out to build a stronger Transylvania County through resource development and allocation in the areas of education, health and household financial stability. One of the organizations that the United Way of Transylvania County supports is the KOALA program, an older adult day care and health program that is part of Transylvania Regional Hospital and the Mission Health Healthcare network.
KOALA serves primarily older adults who have special needs associated with developmental disabilities, vision and hearing impairment, and other injuries or diseases. While most participants are over the age of 60, the program is open to younger adults as well. KOALA provides health services, adult supervision and creative activities during the day, allowing participants to maintain their permanent residence.
Real Digital Productions had the privilege of working with the United Way of Transylvania County to create a testimonial style video as part of their fundraising campaign to support KOALA. Support your local community by learning more about the United Way of Transylvania County and the KOALA program.
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